Friday 31 October 2014

Something creepy for Halloween

Given that it is Halloween I thought I would post something creepy.  I had found a couple of spider pictures the other day which I was going to use but then this morning we found a beautiful spider had built its web in front of the kitchen window which meant that I could get clear shots front and back.

I have used my 100mm macro lens so was able to get in nice and close which means there is lots of spooky detail. I had to use my tripod as well, to keep the camera steady  and make sure I could keep the image sharp. I know spiders are not to everybody's taste but you have to admit these look pretty good. The middle one is my favourite.  Enjoy... if you can!


  1. Spiders are fascinating creatures and often quite beautiful, so long as they are not crawling on me or near me. Nice photos, I like the third photo best.

    1. I don't have a flash on my camera and I didn't want to set up my ring flash so I lit up the spider using my head torch and I think it has made the colours really stand out. I think the reason I like the middle picture is because you can see the spider's eyes and I felt like he was watching everything I was doing...
