Sunday 5 October 2014

Emerging fern

Today's photo was one of my first taken with my Canon 100 mm f2.8 macro lens in July 2012.  Although it is a fixed focal length lens the fact that I was using my EOS 450D with its cropped sensor the actual focal length is 162 mm.  For this shot I set the aperture at f4 and ISO 200 exposure time was 1/250s.

Hopefully I haven't lost everybody with the geeky stuff, this blog isn't really about the technical side of photography (because if I go too far I will probably lose myself too) it is more about sharing pictures that I love and that have some meaning for me.

As you will have seen from my earlier posts "fungi" and "bugs are beautiful" and as you will see in future posts I have a fascination with the smaller things in nature, so on this particular day as I walked through Delamere Forest  I was looking for bugs and fungi when I noticed the budding ferns.  I had never seen this stage of the ferns development before and knew that I had to capture this image. 

Bracken Heart

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