Friday 24 October 2014


If you have seen previous posts you will know that I like birds of prey and today I decided to share a couple of pictures that I took this summer while on holiday with my youngest son down in the New Forest. For most of the time we were cycling or walking but one day we decided to go to the motor museum at Beaulieu.  Within the grounds of Beaulieu abbey there was a falconer with a variety of birds on display.  

I particularly liked the two falcons a Peregrine Falcon and a Gyr Falcon and I have chosen one picture of each of them for today's blog.  The Peregrine is sat in a position called "mantling" and held the pose long enough to get a couple of good shots.  The Gyr also held a similar pose but  I have chosen more of a close up shot.

These are really splendid birds, when Falconry was at the height of its popularity these birds cost the equivalent of £250,000  which is quite staggering.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful creatures, amongst my favourite birds of prey. Nice photos too.
