Tuesday 7 October 2014


Today's picture is an old one, from August 2008.  Its a quirky image and is more of a showcase for the unknown sculptor of the figure rather than my photography.  It was taken using a Konica Compact Digital camera.

It was taken in the wonderful medieval French town of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain.  It was where the film Chocolat was filmed and during our visit we saw some of the locations used in the movie.  As well as some lovely buildings the town is actually famous for aniseed rather than chocolate and the air in the town is filled with the scent of the aniseed lozenges that are made there.

At the end of the day as we were walking back to the car this sculpture caught my eye, at first I thought it was a local resident watching the stream of people passing in the street below.  I think it is a nice bit of fun.


1 comment:

  1. A nice bit of fun, perhaps the original artist had a sense of humour.
