Monday 6 October 2014

Llyn Llydaw

Apparently yesterday's blog was a bit too geeky, at least at the start so I'll try to keep the technical stuff to a minimum for today. Except to say that today's pictures were taken with my Sigma EFS 10 - 20mm f4 lens, sadly I can't use it on my full frame 6D so I won't be capturing nice wide shots like these for a while.

These two pictures of Snowdon reflected in Llyn Llydaw were taken the same January morning as the upward icicle in my earlier blog.  This was on the walk back down the mountain and it was hard to believe that conditions the night before had been as atrocious as they were.  Although it is very bright it was still very cold and the path was very icy in places and care was needed to avoid a nasty slip. 

When I look at these pictures I am really grateful that I live so close to such beautiful scenery as this.  It also makes me twitchy and I can't wait to get out there again...


Canon EOS 450D Sigma 10 - 20 mm @ 14mm f5, ISO 100 1/160sec

Canon EOS 450D  Sigma 10 -20mm @ 16mm f6.3 ISO 100 1/160 sec


  1. Great pictures and it was an amazing morning! - can I get a copy of the second picture please?

  2. Yes of course, let me know what size you need...

  3. Nice photos. I love the colours and the reflection in the still water.
