Monday 27 October 2014


Today's blog post is exactly what the title suggests, I have chosen four pictures of two butterflies.  

The first two were taken using the camera on a mobile phone I have applied a slight adjustment in Picasa to sharpen the images.

The third and fourth were taken in the Forest of Dean using my Canon 6D, the resolution is clearly much better and apart from cropping the pictures slightly no other adjustments have been made.  

Butterflies make good subjects for photography because of the vivid colours, the different shapes and patterns but they can be really difficult to photograph since they rarely stay still long enough but when they do the patience pays off...

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Patience is definitely a prerequisite for photographing wild life in general. I can relate to having to wait for butterflies to settle long enough to take a picture, while Florida, Marisa wanted me to take some photos of some butterflies that were flying around our campsite; I must have waited for at least 20 minutes for the shots I eventually captured.
