Monday 13 October 2014


Today is day three of my photos from Bickerton Hill and the Sandstone Trail.  From the title of the blog it will be obvious that the pictures will be of fungi.

This is a great time of year for fungi and within just a few metres  there were several varieties to be seen, the photos I have chosen for today show a small selection of what we saw on Saturday.

Many of the fungi we found were a bit ravaged by wind, rain or the trampling feet of walkers and their dogs and I tried to find the least damaged specimens for my pictures.  Some which were growing on decaying wood or tree trunks were easy to get to while those growing on the ground required a bit more effort, personal dexterity and the full capabilities of my tripod in order to get close enough and hold the camera steady enough to get the shot.

In three of the photos below I think I have managed to get the best specimen but the fly agaric (the red one) has a chunk taken out of the stalk which appears to have been eaten away by some small creature, I could have chosen to take the shot from the other side which was undamaged but I thought the missing piece added something to the image...

Canon EOS 6D 24 - 105mm @ 95mm f4.5 ISO 100 1/50s

Canon EOS 6D Canon 100mm f2.8 macro f8 IS0 200 1/40s

Canon EOS 6D 100mm f2.8 @ f8 ISO 160 1/40s

Canon EOS 6D 100mm f2.8 @ f8 ISO160 1/30s

1 comment:

  1. There's a fungus among us! I especially like the first picture, interesting shape and nice colour.
