Monday 20 October 2014

Autumn Leaves

Between 1988 and 1990 I was lucky enough to play alto saxophone in a swing band, I wasn't very good to be honest and I didn't play for long enough to really develop any skill but it was always a real buzz to play on stage.  I know this blog is about photography but when I decided on the title for today's post I remembered one of the tunes I really enjoyed playing so here's a link to Autumn Leaves played by Miles Davis which is well worth a listen.

Back to the photos though... Today I am posting a few more shots from my morning walk in Delamere Forest on Saturday.

The first one is a splash of colour, as I was setting up to take this picture the peace was shattered firstly by a Jay crying out in alarm and then two dogs barking at me, I greeted the dogs but they continued barking and kept a safe distance from me.  Their owner commented "don't mind them, they've never seen anything like you before"  I didn't quite know how to respond to that so I wished her a good morning and got back to taking pictures.

The second image was taken from underneath the trees in the first one looking along the path which I followed into the forest.

The third picture has less vibrancy with predominantly green shades and just a slight hint of orange, giving promise perhaps of richer colours to come.


  1. Autumn has always been my favourite time of year, I love the changing scenery, beautiful colours and a slight chill in the air.

    1. We've had some unseasonably warm weather here which may well be contributing to the wonderful display of colour. Having said that today we've had the remnants of a hurricane battering us with high winds and heavy rain and the temperature has dipped significantly...
