Saturday 4 October 2014

On Thurstaston Hill

I was looking forward to getting out today and taking some photos of the changing woodland colours but heavy rain and overcast skies put paid to that idea.  I did get out for about an hour mid afternoon when the weather improved for a short while, but I was a bit rushed and so didn't get to go very far.  

I headed off to Thurstaston Hill overlooking the Dee Estuary and North Wales.  The area is covered in Gorse and there is  distinctive red sandstone over a wide area, there are even dinosaur footprints to be seen in a few places.

It was very windy and as can be seen from the pictures below the cloud was starting to build up again.  For the views of the estuary a grey graduated ND8 filter was used...

The Dee Estuary, looking towards Point of Ayr,  Great Orme is slightly visible in the distance.
Canon EOS 6D, 24 -105mm f4 @ 40mm f18 ISO100

Thurstaston Common looking towards Liverpool Bay
Canon EOS 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 24mm f13 ISO 100

The Dee Estuary, Point of Ayr and Great Orme
Canon EOS 6D 24 - 105 mm @ 104mm f13 ISO 100

1 comment:

  1. Again nature provides some amazing pictures. Nicely captured, the filter adds a nice touch to already dramatic cloud formations.
