Tuesday 21 October 2014

A Morning Walk

I'm late posting today but as this is a daily blog I wasn't going to let it slip...Today I have chosen a picture of a dog walker, normally I try really hard to get shots without random people in them.  It can be quite frustrating at times waiting for people to move out of the frame to get what I think is the best picture.  On Saturday however, even though my main focus was taking pictures of the trees and the changing colours when I saw the man walking towards me in the distance with his two dogs I knew it would add something to the final image.  Most of the time it was really quiet in the forest, there were very few people out and about but this area is popular with dog walkers, cyclists and runners and by including the man I think it adds some context to the image, the colours are great but for me, including the dog walker there brings the picture life.

Canon 70 - 300mm @ 100mm f18 ISO 4000 1/40s

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