Wednesday 22 October 2014

A Bird in the Hand

I was going to post another Delamere Forest photo today but then something happened this morning as i was getting ready to go to work that changed all of that.

I had gone back up to the bedroom to get a jumper and saw a bird fly across the room and settle on the curtain rail.  I was completely taken aback because none of the windows were open and I could not work out how the bird had got in.  I could see that it was a blue tit and it was obviously a bit distressed flying from one end of the room to the other.  I got my camera and took a couple of quick shots while it rested on top of a box on the wardrobe keeping a safe distance from me.

I then went to open the blind on the velux window and immediately the little bird flew to the window, it rested on the frame and as I lifted my arm to open the window if flew and settled on my arm and then flew into the bathroom.  At first I couldn't see it then found it clinging upside down on my towel.  I took one last picture then gently took the bird in my hand, it clung to my finger and I took it to the opened window.  I opened my hand to release it and it just sat there for several seconds before flying off.

It was a lovely start to the day and although the pictures aren't great in a technical sense I think they are worth sharing.

As for the mystery of how it got in I deduced that it must have come in through the extractor fan in the en suite, I guess it had been sheltering there during the gale force winds yesterday and overnight.

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