Saturday 11 October 2014

Stormy Skies

Today has been a good day, I've been able to do lots of my favourite things.  I've been out walking with my boys, I've taken several good pictures and I have baked some delicious Double Choc Cookies and as I write this blog I'm munching on one trying not to get crumbs in the keyboard...

So today I have a couple of brand new pics to share and over the next few days I will have more from my outing today.

We had originally planned on going up to the Lake District but the weather forecast was a bit dodgy so thought somewhere closer to home would be best.  I settled on Bickerton Hill overlooking the Cheshire Plains, a place I have visited a few times and there is always some interesting fauna and some great views. The photos are taken from slightly different points on the hill looking towards North Wales, Wirral and Liverpool in the distance. Although the skies behind us were bright there was a storm heading our way and just after I'd taken the second picture thunder rumbled and crashed all around us and prompted us to head back to the car before the deluge...

So I hope you enjoy the pictures and while you are doing that I'm going to get another cookie ;)

Canon EOS 6D 24-105mm @ 35mm f8 ISO 100 1/200s

Canon EOS 6D 24-105mm @ 80mm f4.5 ISO 100 1/160s


  1. I especially like the second picture. The bright colours of the landscape is a nice contrast to the grey of the clouds. Try not to choke on any cookies.

    1. I will try...

      The storm approached really fast yet there was not even the slightest breeze on the ground, it was quite spooky but it makes for a good photo.
