Thursday 9 October 2014

Raptors and Owls

I am always excited to see birds of prey in the wild, I can remember watching a Goshawk swoop low past me one evening walking in an enclosure in the New Forest, and it is always a thrill to see large raptors flying above the motorway or perched on telegraph poles etc. Two weeks ago I got really excited to see a male Hen Harrier flying near Markington in Yorkshire.

Getting  photos of them is however quite difficult and good close-ups are even more difficult so when I had the chance to get up close to some at The Raptor Experience in July last year there was no way I would miss the opportunity to take some pictures.  Today I have picked a couple of my favourite pics from that day...

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Red Kite

Barn Owls


  1. I have always loved the birds of prey, Kestrels, Peregrine falcons and Ospreys have always been favourites. Nice photos once again.

    1. Thanks, the Red Kite was beautiful, it was moulting so not in its best condition but stunning none the less. I have some great picture of Peregrine and a Gyr falcon too so I will be posting them at a future date
