Wednesday 27 April 2016

A Colourful Crow

I hadn't realised that the Jay is actually a member of the Crow family. Perhaps because it is so colourful it doesn't really fit the profile.

I have seen several Jays before but never close up like this and I was thrilled when I saw this one fly down and settle on a fence not far in front of me and as I was lining up to take a shot I was convinced it would be a perfect shot. Just then however an early morning jogger came up the path and the bird flew away. I was so annoyed. I was just turning my attention back to the squirrels though when the Jay returned and he sat just long enough for me to get these three pictures. 

In the first image he was just about to take off and then he landed on a nearby tree. From the second picture it is clear that he was aware of me being there and he seems to be taking in an interest in what I was doing.

All in all I am really happy with these shots and I hope you like them too.

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