Friday 1 April 2016

Misty Mountain Morning

Today has been a good day because I have just got back from the opening of an exhibition at the Williamson Art Gallery where for the second year I have had two photos accepted for the Open Art Exhibition. What made it even more special though was that my youngest son also had a picture accepted. It's a real thrill to see your work on display for others to view and it was a really high standard this year, so I am so proud of my boy!

Anyway today's selection of pictures follows on from my Snowdon Sunrise series. A few years ago I camped out on the mountain with my eldest son and some friends, it was in January and the overnight temperature was - 11celcius and we had camped overlooking Llyn Llydaw which was the lake in yesterdays shots. I couldn't find the exact spot on my way up the mountain so hiked up further than I had originally intended.  The path up was quite a hard slog but as you can see from these pictures it was well worth it.

These shots show different views of Glaslyn a small(ish) glacial lake just below the summit of Snowdon. The first two pictures were taken from slightly different vantage points with my back to the mountain. As you can see the clouds were quite low and it was still a little misty.  The second picture, for me at least,is the better of the two because the surface is calmer and so there is a sharper reflection. I think the picture give a real sense of how cold it was on this particular morning but within a very short space of time the clouds cleared revealing the summit and allowing me to get the next two stunning images. I like the way the snow appears to be flowing down the mountain and how the pattern in the snow is reflected in the surface of the lake. The final image is taken from just below the lake as it spills over a series of falls down to Llyn Llydaw in the valley below.

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