Monday 12 December 2016

You've gotta love a Robin

So there I was walking around the zoo, I had spent about 40 minutes watching the Red Pandas and after getting a few decent shots I was heading over to look at some owls when this noisy little Robin flew past me and settled on a post just off the main path. I hadn't intended to take any pictures of it, after all Robins are everywhere and I didn't go to the zoo to look at common garden birds. But I do love Robins and I know there's a few of you out there who would say "you've gotta love a Robin" and just look at him, he was watching me so intently it seemed rude to ignore him. I love the pose  and I like the way the blurred background with the shaft of light highlights the bird perfectly. 

Just as it would have been rude not to take the shot it would be rude not to share it, so please take a few moments to enjoy this beautiful bird and I hope that like me, your day was just a little bit brighter for seeing it.

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