Tuesday 31 January 2017

Precious Songbirds

British songbirds are in decline and apparently Canada has a similar problem.

I spotted this little beauty when I stopped off at Silver Islet, it was hoping around in the scrub along the shore, and it had a most beautiful song. I have tried to identify what species it is and hopefully I have been successful. I thought it might be a species of warbler but it's not I wondered if it was a wood thrush but it's not. It is in fact a song sparrow. It certainly isn't the most colourful bird but it really is a cute little character.

In my search to identify it I came across a very short video from Feb 2016 which highlights the decline in songbirds and the first bird in the clip is the song sparrow and although it is only very brief you get to hear a bit of this birds' beautiful song so click on the link and take a few moments to watch.

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