Saturday 14 January 2017

Wild Weather

I dont think it matters where in the world you are there has been some pretty wild weather conditions and here on the North West coast we've taken a bit of a battering. 

We didn't get the now that was forecast but we've had really strong winds, heavy rain and it has been bitterly cold. Add to that a full moon and a 10 metre high tide it made for some pretty dramatic conditions.

I had been down to the riverside to take some pictures of the Liverpool waterfront and I then headed off to New Brighton to look out to where the Mersey joins Liverpool Bay in the Irish Sea. The lighthouse is the Fort Perch Rock Lighthouse and it was taking a bit of a battering. The sea, as you can see was really wild and the clouds make quite a dramatic picture.

The wind was bitingly cold and it has taken the rest of the day for me to get warm enough to sort through my pictures and do this post. Hope you enjoy it.

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