Thursday 15 November 2018


I can't begin to say how excited I was to get up close to this beautiful fox. It was sat on the side of the road and when I got out of the car to try and take a few pictures it trotted across the road and sat no more than two metres away.

The light was poor as it was the end of the day and it had started to rain so these are a little grainy but I could have sat for ages admiring the beauty before me. It was as if it was posing for me and I have several wonderful shots. I was itching to share these pictures with you but I have only picked a few for today and will save some more for another day.

It appears to be smiling and I love the regal profile in the third image. 


  1. Fantastic, love all animals. It annoys me when humans complain about the damage foxes do. Humans please get our own house in order first. As we make our own property safe against intruders it is upto us to make our animals home safe against intruders.
