Saturday 2 March 2019

Seeing The World Through Reflections

Today it was my intention to share more pictures from my recent trip to Venice but instead I have picked some images from a photo shoot this morning that were inspired by some of the pictures I shot in Venice.

So, I went to Burton Mere RSPB Wetland Reserve. I wanted to get there early before the weather turned bad and I almost turned back because the sky was clouding over and I thought it would be a washout. I was glad however that I didn't turn back because as well as getting a few nice shots of birds I was also able to capture some more ripples and reflections.

I have always enjoyed sharp and clear reflections but I have tended to look at the bigger picture, to see mountains reflected in the surface of a calm lake in the early morning for example. However, in Venice I noticed the more abstract scenes that appear when you look closely at the reflections in detail. There is so much going on in these images with the play of light on the surface of the water, the contours and even textures that you simply would not see if you just glance casually as you pass.

The first two images are cropped from the same picture and I think they are amazing, especially the first one which looks as though it is lit from below.

I like the third image because of the blue highlights reflecting a break in the clouds.

You cannot tell from these pictures what is being reflected because they are just a small part of the overall scene but I think they work really well and I know that I am going to enjoy looking closer at reflections when I go out with my camera in future.

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