Friday 1 March 2019

Fun with Rocks

Here is my last selection of shots from my riverside walk last weekend. 

The first two images are different views of the stack I shared yesterday and the final two are of the largest and most challenging stack which including the base rock is made from 17 stones and I was really pleased that it stayed upright. I was tempted to put another pebble on top but decided to play it safe.

I really like this one, in colour you can see the stones lit up by a chance ray of sunlight that snuck through the clouds and I think the final image has a really moody quality to it. 

I like the fact that these look part of the landscape but they have a fragile quality too which is at odds with the solidity of the rocks themselves. 

As well as working on the three stacks that you have seen over the last few days we (my son and I) attempted a stone arch. We failed but I think that if we had selected smaller stones and gave ourselves a little more time we would have succeeded.

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