Thursday 28 February 2019

Fun By The River

So it might not be everybody's idea of fun but I think that creating stacks of river pebbles like these can be challenging and fun.

Frozen in these images they look sturdy and secure but they are in fact precariously balanced and the smallest slip of the hand or a gust of wind can turn this artistic creation into a pile of rubble.

Once they are built the fun doesn't stop as you try to find the best angle to photograph them.  For these which were built right on the rivers edge it was necessary to stand or rather squat in the river. On the slippery stones on the river bed it was quite trick to keep my balance but I think it was worth it.

The first of today's images is a different view of the stack I shared yesterday and the others are two slightly different views of my second stack of the day. It was a little more adventurous than the first one although I used the same number of stones. I have some more views of this one that I will share tomorrow and then I will post some pictures of my third and tallest stack of the day so come back tomorrow to see more.

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