Friday 22 February 2019

Abstract Architecture

I hinted a few days ago that I had taken some different types of image around Venice.

I wonder if you can work out what you are looking at here...

When you think about Venice you most likely think "canals" or "Gondolas" and you probably expect photos of Venice to show picture postcard images of the canals and bridges and beautiful architecture but as well as photographing all of that I wanted to show something different.

On an early morning walk around the city I had been taking pictures of a city waking up but as I was looking at the canals I spotted some wonderful reflections as the early morning sun hit the buildings and was captured in the gently rippling water. My focus shifted from the formal architecture and street scenes to these abstract views. I took a series of photographs that morning and throughout the day to capture what I think is a special view of the city. Each picture is totally unique and every time you look at them something new is revealed. As I say I took a whole series of pictures I will be sharing some of this series over the coming days so hopefully you will keep a look out for them.

This approach is something new for me and so feedback would be very welcome.

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