Wednesday 24 July 2019

Coming to Life

The other day I shared a couple of shots of a bracken heart which I think looked quite lovely. Today I have selected another shot of some bracken coming into life but from a side on perspective.

I just love the way this plant develops from tight little green balls, coiled up, covered in fine tendrils, slowly unfurling one stage at a time until it produces lush green fronds giving ground cover and a haven for birds, insects and small mammals. Even from a static image I think there is a real sense of movement or at least potential to spring into motion at any moment.

I like the lighting in this shot too, moments before I had tried to capture an image but a cloud had passed in front of the sun and so the fern was in shadow but as the sun appeared from behind the cloud so this lovely curl became illuminated giving light, and depth to the image.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of a chameleon's tail but I couldn't really tell due to the camouflage
