Saturday 23 November 2019

A Head of Steam

The weather this weekend and last has been awful and so I have had no real opportunity to get outdoors with my camera and as a consequence I haven't posted anything for a little while. If you missed my last pictures of the Kingfisher do make sure to take a look as I was really excited to get those shots.

For today;'s offering I have stepped back in time, to July 2017 to be exact, when I had stayed near Whitby and took some time to visit the North Yorkshire Steam Railway workshops at Grosmont. It is a fantastic place to visit and you can see the dedicated mechanics and engineers at work restoring the magnificent locomotives from years gone by.

I love the powerful steam engines but I also like the newer diesel engines that replaced steam.

Looking at these images I have some great memories of my time there and I hope these pictures convey to you some of the power and majesty of the great locomotives.

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