Sunday 10 November 2019

Holy Grail

For so long I have wanted to photograph a Kingfisher, I got a few shots in this location a couple of years ago but they were not really very good as the bird was  much further away and only stayed put for a few seconds. It has become a been a bit like the search for the holy grail.

I cant say how many times I have gone back and how many hours I have sat patiently waiting without even the slightest glimpse. This Saturday I went back, after a long and stressful week in work I was happy just to sit quietly to clear my head and unwind even though it was really cold (just above freezing) and with heavy rain on its way. I was so thrilled when this beautiful bird flew in and perched nearby and sat scanning the water for its next meal. He moved to a different perch and then onto another (I am saving a couple of shots for tomorrow) again patiently searching for a tasty snack. He stayed around for almost 15 minutes giving me plenty of time to get several shots and basically making my day.

I really am pleased with these pictures although I know they could be better, the light and weather conditions meant that I needed to use a wide aperture and very high ISO which gives the images a grainy quality and trying to compensate for that I have lost some of the finer detail. So in the search for the perfect shot I am sure to go back. Who knows how long I might have to wait but I am up for the challenge. 

In the meantime I am pleased to be able to share these shots and if you like them please look out for more tomorrow. And feel free to leave a comment below...

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