Sunday 30 August 2020

Bee kind

 I went to Macclesfield forest recently for a walk with my youngest son. We had a really good time enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of the forest, we watched buzzards fly overhead and were thrilled to see a Goshawk fly swiftly and silently through the trees.

The best photo opportunities were of bees and insects so I kitted up my macro lens and got down into the long grass. As it was still fairly early and still quite cold the bees were only just starting to emerge from where they had been sheltering overnight. 

We watched for a few minutes as this bee slowly climbed up the grass, pausing periodically to look around before continuing its upward journey.

I wonder how it sees the world through its big dark eyes. I love the second image where I came face to face with the bee, its face framed nicely by its hairy body looking rather like a golden halo. 

Almost There...

 I have sat many hours trying to get a decent shot of a Kingfisher. They're small and very fast so I have often seen them dart past or even fishing in the distance but it is not often that I have had one sit close enough to get a clear shot and when I have there has been little time to get the best shot possible. Many attempts have resulted in under exposed or blurry images and my aim is to get a crystal clear detailed photo of one of our most spectacular birds.

I had been watching this male bird fishing a little way across the mere, darting back and forth low across the water and even hovering high up before diving in to catch a fish. I had stopped off on my way home from work and it was so relaxing. I was thrilled when he came to perch on the post nearest to the hide and managed to get a couple of shots before he moved slightly further away. These don't have quite the clarity I am after but  I think I am getting there and I know that with a little more time, a lot of patience and a bit more practice I will get the shot I crave.

Even without the perfect shot though just the experience of sitting quietly by the water after a busy day taking in the scenery and enjoying the sight of this beautiful bird was priceless. I also got to watch a gorgeous Little Grebe fishing close by and more surprisingly a bat (possibly a Horseshoe Bat) out hunting in daylight, unforgettable  moments.

Sunday 16 August 2020

Stand Up, Stand Out


So for this post I have chosen three variations of the same image. 

The first being pretty much as shot with just a slight correction for exposure and contrast. 

The second image is a step into the unknown for me as I have messed about with curves, something I have shied away from in the past and I cannot be sure that you see what I see. I think it looks alright but you might think otherwise, I think the adjustments I made have made the greens really stand out.

The final image is a simple black and white conversion and a tweak with highlights and shadows.

I always like black and white images but I think with this composition colour works best. I would love to know what you thinks so please leave a comment... do you have a preference between the first and second images???