Tuesday 17 August 2021


 I have been asked to stop posting spiders because they're just too creepy, so after today there will only be one more post and  then I will focus on some other macro images that I know you will like.

I do have a couple of shots of a larger specimen but she got stage fright so I couldn't her best side and I have skipped those images to share these pictures of Salem a Grammostola pulchra or Brazilian Black. Of all the spiders I photographed this is the one that gave me the biggest chills but surprisingly enough this was the one I got closest to. With all of the others I moved myself into various positions to get the best angles and the best shots but when it came to Salem I actually reached out and moved the open container without thinking what I was doing, my hand just an inch or two from the little beast. When it dawned on me what I had done I was a little freaked out and I am not sure I would do it again. 

So while you are enjoying these photos (which I hope you are) remember I got close, so you don't have to...

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