Thursday 19 August 2021

You Know When You've Been Tangoed

 This is Tango, a truly beautiful Leopard Gecko and another member of my daughter in law's menagerie. This was my first attempt at photographing her and it was harder than I expected. I couldn't use a flash because that would startle her and as she was so flighty I would have preferred a much faster shutter speed to get the clearest image. However I think she is stunning and always appears to be smiling. Those eyes too are really cool.

Although I didn't manage to get many shots I did get the chance to sit in her playpen and I felt like we had bonded as she climbed up my arms and looked deep into my eyes. Hopefully next time I visit with my camera she will sit still a little longer so I can get some more pictures.

And now for a final treat...

This is an Armadillium klugi or clown isopod. It is rather like a woodlouse but much more regal with its shiny back and bright spots. As babies they are white and the colours develop as they grow.

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