Tuesday 11 October 2022

Flying High


Over the August Bank Holiday Weekend I was able to enjoy the Air Show at Rhyl and one of the attractions was the ever popular RAF Display Team the Red Arrows. I was lucky because the weather was perfect and the sky almost totally cloudless. The flying display was superb and luckily for me the team got to complete the full display, the following day it was cut short due to a bird strike smashing the cockpit of one of the jets although fortunately no one was hurt and the pilot was able to get back to base with one of his colleagues providing an escort.

I have lots of images of the Red Arrows on the day so narrowing it down to just a few is incredibly difficult. I will share some over the next few days showing different manoeuvres, and while the still image doesn't really do justice to the skill, the drama and the overall spectacle they are still pretty cool.

Given that these are famed as the Red Arrows and the planes are bright red you might wonder why the first image I have included in todays post is black and white. Well the answer is simple I was experimenting, and to me at least the image works really well. By increasing the contrast slightly I have been able to emphasise the speed of the turn and I think it highlights the swirls in the smoke trails to great effect.

The next two images are more traditional colour shots which look great but of the three I think my favourite is the first image. Let me know your thoughts.

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