Monday 10 October 2022

High on a Hill

 So here are three more, very different images from the Chateau de Haut Koenigsbourg in Alsace.

The first image is taken from one of the towers looking along the ramparts and into the distance towards Germany. This region was hotly contested throughout the centuries and changed hands between France and Germany several times. The castle itself has fallen into ruin and been reconstructed over time too and is now a remarkable place to visit.

The second image is og a sculpture that sits on top of the well in the inner courtyard. I wish I could say more about it but sadly I didn't pay enough attention to the information display so all I can say is that it is an interesting sculpture of a mermaid.

The final image is of the main staircase which leads from the inner courtyard and is housed in a hexagonal tower. Can you tell whether you are looking up or down the stairs?

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