Saturday 14 January 2023

Mur Island, or Murinsel

 Welcome to Mur Island, a unique floating structure on the River Mur in Graz. It was designed by the New York artist Vito Acconi and created in 2003 when Graz was the European city of culture.

It is a fascinating structure which contrasts with  the renaissance architecture in much of the city. The island is connected to each bank of  the river by a walkway and the central part forms a sort of amphitheatre where there is a cafĂ© and a playground.

I may have shared a couple of these pictures in the past but as I was editing them today I thought they were worth a share.

Graz is a fascinating  city, it probably would not feature high on peoples lists of places they must visit but having stayed there on my road trip I would say it is definitely worth a visit.

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