Sunday 1 February 2015

Fungus Revisited

In October I posted some pictures under the title "unusual growth", they were of a fungus which I now know to be called by various names including Jew's Ear, Judas' Ear or Jelly Ear Fungus.  It is an edible fungus, named Judas Ear because it commonly grows on dead Elder trees and Judas apparently hanged himself from and Elder tree after betraying Jesus.

The pictures I posted back in October were of some of the fungus which were turning black and shriveled and looked vaguely bat-like.  Today I have posted some of the fresh and new growth, actually on the very same tree stump as the previous shots.

If you want to find out more about this fungus and even find a recipe for hot and sour soup using the fungus check out the link, if not then just enjoy the photos.


  1. Interesting. Nice colours and texture combinations.

    1. Thanks, I found out when I took these pictures just how different my perception of colours differs from other people. I described them as I saw them to Sharon and Rachael and they told me what colour they really are. It was strange because whatever they said they are I just couldn't see them that way. I'm glad that it didn't stop me enjoying the beauty anyway
