Monday 13 June 2016

Disney Magic

Here's a little bit of magic and sparkle for a Monday to get your week off to a bright start.

This is my first attempt at photographing fireworks and I know they're not the best shots possible but they could be a lot worse. My problem was that I hadn't set the focus quite right or perhaps I had the shutter open a fraction too long and that allowed too much camera shake. But hey I shouldn't put myself down, for  first attempt I'm fairly pleased.

The Liverpool waterfront is a spectacular sight and for one night only the Disney Magic Cruise Liner was moored at the Pierhead and just before it's departure the crowds on both sides of the Mersey who had turned out to see were treated to a short firework display. 

You can see just how big the ship is in comparison to the three graces  (The Liver Building, The Cunard Building and The Port Of Liverpool Building) just ahead of its' bow in the first picture. 

The number of kids (and big kids) drawn to see this, because it's Disney was quite something and I am sure that the next time it comes in there will be more people to welcome it.

As for me, well I will be looking out for more firework displays so that I can get some more practice. I am sure that I can get some cracking shots if I try a bit harder next time.

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