Monday 31 October 2016

Rainy Day Fawn

You can see from the water droplets on the grasses that this was a fairly wet day and while we were out looking for deer the deer were taking shelter under the trees and in the undergrowth. That is the ones who weren't tempted by the apples we had brought to feed them.

This fawn was snuggled down but fully alert and was too wary to come and enjoy a free meal.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Good Morning Grebe

When I first saw this bird I thought it was a juvenile Loon, but looking at the pictures I am pretty sure it is not a Loon but I haven't been able to accurately identify it.

I have called today's post Good Morning Grebe because it was a very good morning and I think the bird is a variety of grebe although I may be wrong. I would really appreciate it if anyone could say for sure what type of bird it is because I don't like not knowing what I post. 

I do however like the way the early morning sun lights up the birds face and gives it a gleam in its eye and I like the reflection, because I always like reflections.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Fishing at First Light

A variation on yesterday's theme here is another shot of the harbour at sunrise but today I have a fishing party heading out to Lake Superior, perhaps on the hunt for some nice fresh Pickerel.

The guys on the boat were aware that I was taking the shot, I am not too sure they were that pleased but I think it makes a good picture and I wished them well on their way. 

Friday 28 October 2016

Morning Glow

I really love the warm glow in the sky above Lake Superior in this shot. It was a great day to get up early to enjoy the dawn and I hope you agree it was worth it.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Ruby Throated Beauty

I was so excited to see these beautiful hummingbirds up close and could easily have spent hours watching and photographing them. I know that I have shared some pictures of them before but I love them so much that I just have to share more. I like the "pose" in this shot with the curve of the breast and the way its feet are tucked in, but also if you look closely you will see the tip of the birds tongue peeking out.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

At The Marina

This picture works for me in lots of ways. I love boats, I love water, I love reflections and this shot has all three. It also takes me back to the early morning when I got up to watch the sunrise over Thunder Bay. 

It was so peaceful and after a good while taking pictures I sat quietly and enjoyed the early morning sun. I also discovered the municipal wifi and I was able to take advantage of that and the time difference to phone home which helped to make a special moment even more special.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Fungi Forest

Today after a work visit in Derbyshire I took a brief detour on my way home for a walk in Macclesfield Forest. I was again looking for autumn colours but it is mostly coniferous forest so I focused more on what was below my feet.

As I am colour blind I often have trouble spotting things and will often rely on whoever is with me to point things out and I am always grateful for that but today as I was on my own I had to search for myself. I have no idea how many opportunities I missed but I was quite pleased that I managed to spot a number of varieties of fungi, even really small and well hidden ones which I will share in the coming weeks mixed up with some of the other shots I have yet to post.

I thought the fungus in today's pictures is a variety of xylaria or Candlestick Fungus but doing a little more research I think it is actually a variety of Hymenoscyphus or cup fungus. If you know exactly what it is then feel free to comment. I have seen this variety growing of rotting fence posts and here is is on a mossy log in a very shaded spot.

Monday 24 October 2016

Coriolus versicolor

If you follow my blog you will know I like a good fungus and I am always on the lookout. This is a decent specimen of a bracket fungus, I love the variegated colours and the wavy texture of the fungus and I love the texture of the dead wood. This is a really good time of year for spotting fungi and I am hoping that I will get plenty of opportunities to go out and get some more great pictures.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Mute Swan

I love swans, they are such regal and graceful birds and walking along the canal near Garstang I spotted this solitary bird swimming between the boats which were moored along the canal side. 

I approached to take a few pictures and getting down low to get the shot the swan made the most unusual noise, a rasping sound that made me think it had something stuck in its throat. It seemed friendly at first but as I leaned forward to get a better angle it lunged forward a couple of times almost hitting the lens so after a few shots I left the swan to itself and went for a brief but very pleasant walk along the canal and a happy ending to my day out.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Fabulous Woodland Fungi

Today I went for a lovely woodland walk in Brock Bottom in Lancashire. I had gone hoping to see lots of autumn colours but was slightly disappointed as there wasn't the variety of colour that I had expected. Nonetheless I had a really nice time and there were some interesting sights including squirrels, tree creepers and dippers and of course some really nice fungi.

I love fungi, the varied colours and shapes and so I can't pass up an opportunity to capture a good image whenever I come across some. Especially when it is a variety that I haven't seen before or if they are in an interesting formation. This specimen fits both criteria and I think they make a lovely picture growing together on this moss covered log.

I have tried to identify this particular fungus but so far haven't been able to so if anyone can tell me please let me know in the comments. I will keep trying to identify it but any help is always welcome.

Friday 21 October 2016

Aw How Cute

Have a look at this little black beauty. I am used to seeing grey squirrels and I am lucky enough to be close enough to a sanctuary where the rarer red squirrels can be seen but I had never seen black squirrels before and I was really taken aback when I first saw one in  a small town on our first evening in Canada.

This cheeky little critter was a regular visitor as we sat out in the garden during the day or while eating our evening meal. He really is cute isn't he. 

Thursday 20 October 2016

Driftwood at Old Woman Bay

Not really sure why the bay where this picture was taken is called Old Woman Bay, but it was a spot we were told t look out for as we traveled along the Trans Canada Highway. It was good advice and a welcome break in the journey. There a few people enjoying the sunny weather and others canoeing in the bay but what caught my eye more than anything was the driftwood.
I really liked this view of the tree laid on the beach. The gnarled roots because they create interesting shapes.  I had considered calling the blog Roots of Canada, but that would be free advertising so I didn't.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Float Planes

So the last couple of days there has been a recurrent theme of flight and today I have continued the theme with this shot of a float plane at Georgian Bay. 

We stopped off for lunch at Parry Sound and went down to the marina to explore a little. There were a few of these planes moored up, I have always liked the idea of taking off and landing on water and I was really tempted to take a flight over Lake Huron but there wasn't time to do it on this trip. Maybe next time. Just one of many reasons I want to go back.

Monday 17 October 2016

Pink Footed Pair

Yesterday I posted a picture of some Greylag Geese in flight and today it is a pair of Pink Footed Geese which flew above me at Martin Mere they were obviously heading somewhere in a hurry as it was really difficult catching them as they flew past.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Fine Formation Flying

A short while ago I was able to visit Martin Mere courtesy of a friend in order to see some of the first geese arriving to winter here. There were large numbers of Canada Geese, Pink Footed Geese and these wonderful Greylag Geese. I love the way they fly together each one playing its part in the formation to support the others. I also love the shapes of the birds in the air and the sense of motion.

As autumn progresses there will be lots more birds arriving and so I will have to go back and spend some more time there.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Entrance to Dunharrow

I liked this shot for the opening in the rocks which reminded me a little of the entrance to the realm of the ghost king in The Lord of the Rings. I also like the way there is a tree growing on the top of the rock and I am amazed that it can get any nourishment in such a barren spot.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Tiny Fungi

Creeping around in the undergrowth I found these little fungi nestled in a bed of fresh green moss. It was worth getting a little wet and dirty to get down low and get the shot.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

At Brimham Rocks

For most of the day at Brimham Rocks the sky was dull and colourless but as it got closer to time to leave dark clouds formed in the distance but the sun also came out and lit up the rock formations. I love the contrast of the dark grey in the sky and the bright colours of the rocks.

Monday 10 October 2016

Fancy Fungus

Walking through the woodland around Brimham Rocks it was lovely to find a number of different fungi and this is one of my favourites so it was especially good to find such a fantastic specimen

Sunday 9 October 2016

Rock Idol

So when you saw the title of today's post did you expect to see a picture of some heroic figure from the world of rock music? If so I am sorry to disappoint.

This shot was taken yesterday on a walk around Brimham Rocks, close to the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in North Yorkshire. It is a large area of moorland managed by the National Trust with numerous impressive rocky outcrops where the elements have combined to wear away at the grit stone leaving behind hundreds of contorted rock formations. 

This is perhaps one of the most unusual and spectacular because it appears balanced on a small conical rock at its base and it is known as the Idol. I have no idea how long it has stood here but as erosion continues it is certain that at some point in the future it will fall. 

Saturday 8 October 2016

Sunset at Marie Louise Lake

Today I have had a great day exploring a place called Brimham Rocks in North Yorkshire and I took a number of pictures of the unusual rock formations which I will be sharing over the coming days but for today's blog I wanted to share one of my favourite pictures from my Canadian adventure. 

I have posted several views of the Sleeping Giant and I don't tire of the view particularly as there are so many good memories associated with it. I really like this view of the sunset with the giant and the canoe it is such an evocative image. I hope that you like it as much as I do.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Colours of Kakabeka

When you look at a waterfall it is easy to be absorbed by the overall spectacle and majesty of the thundering water as it pours over the rocky ledge down to the river and valley below. But do you ever look into the waterfall itself and see the patterns and colours? I always do, I like to see the water frozen in time and as you can see from this picture of Kakabeka Falls in Ontario when you do that you can see so much beauty. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Who's got Yellow Legs?

I spotted this beautiful wading bird at Thunder Bay's Boulevard Lake during an evening walk. I thought that it was a sandpiper at first but I wasn't completely sure so when I chose this shot for my blog tonight I realised I needed to do some research. All of my bird books show European birds and so I had to look a bit further afield since this isn't a species we would habitually see here in the UK.

So, what is it? I believe that it is a juvenile Lesser Yellowlegs . This species is fairly common in the boreal forest regions of Canada and North America as you can see if you follow the link above. However it is classified as a rare bird here in the UK as can be seen from this link I was really pleased to get such a lovely shot that I can share it with you.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Silver Islet from Sibley Cove

The shore of Lake Superior is full of little gems with wonderful vantage points and great views like this one from Sibley Cove looking towards Silver Islet. This was a beautiful calm summer's morning and I tried to imagine what it would be like here in the winter with the lake frozen over. That is a sight I would love to see.

Monday 3 October 2016

At The End of The Day

When I wrote the title of today's post I cringed a bit because I had recently told a friend that "At the end of the day" is a phrase that I don't like certainly when it is in a trite way as it very often is. I also thought of the song "A Country Song For Simon" by the band Hefner which starts with the line "don't you just hate all the people that say at the end of the day all the time". 

But, it is actually the perfect title for today's offering because it is just what this picture represents. It is so evocative of how our days by the lake ended, the stillness, the golden glow and the darkening sky, followed by a spell around the camp fire with marshmallows and a spot of skunk watching.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Eagle Island

This is Eagle Island, although that is probably not its official name. The three dead trees just left of centre were the favourite perches for the beautiful eagles that frequent this spot and fish in Marie Louise Lake. The tallest tree just right of centre was also another favourite perch for a juvenile eagle. Sadly there were no birds in residence on this particular evening.

On my last morning camping here my daughter and I paddled out to the island and I got some great shots and we were able to watch one of the eagles fishing for its breakfast, such a remarkable sight. Also my daughter pleaded with me to let her go onto the island, I agreed but only reluctantly as the wind was getting up and it was an effort to get in close and stay steady enough for her to get out of the canoe.

She was gone for a little while but she returned triumphant having reached the tree where the eagle was sat and collected a feather. I was really proud of her for her adventurous spirit and really touched when we returned to camp and she presented me with her trophy which is a lovely souvenir of our fun times on the lake.

This picture was taken in the evening and as you can see the lake is mirror calm providing a perfect reflection of the island and with the sun behind us the detail is spot on.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Otter Family Fun

One evening I had gone out onto the lake with my daughter for the first time and as we paddled around the island we saw a couple of otters paddling away towards the reed bed. I was absolutely thrilled and we paddled towards them to get a closer look. Unfortunately I didn't have my large zoom on my camera and so I wasn't able to get any pictures of them.

The following morning we set off again, our friends had been out before us and said that there was no sign of any otters so I didn't really expect to see any. I was focused on capturing some good shots of the eagles and I had rigged up a makeshift camo for my lens using a t-shirt because the previous day the birds had been spooked by the lens and had flown off before I got close enough . This time I was able to get much closer.

As we approached the island we could see through the crystal clear water and we saw lots of clams on the lake bed, many of the shells had holes in them and we worked out that this was a sign that the otters had been feeding on them. Then really close by this beautiful mother otter and two kits appeared in front of us playing in the water. They kept at a safe distance and as we paddled towards them they swam a little further away but they kept playing so clearly they weren't too afraid. As they were moving and I was in the canoe it was difficult to get a really steady shot but I was able to get one or two good ones. 

This really was one of the unexpected highlights of my trip and is a memory I will treasure.