Saturday 22 October 2016

Fabulous Woodland Fungi

Today I went for a lovely woodland walk in Brock Bottom in Lancashire. I had gone hoping to see lots of autumn colours but was slightly disappointed as there wasn't the variety of colour that I had expected. Nonetheless I had a really nice time and there were some interesting sights including squirrels, tree creepers and dippers and of course some really nice fungi.

I love fungi, the varied colours and shapes and so I can't pass up an opportunity to capture a good image whenever I come across some. Especially when it is a variety that I haven't seen before or if they are in an interesting formation. This specimen fits both criteria and I think they make a lovely picture growing together on this moss covered log.

I have tried to identify this particular fungus but so far haven't been able to so if anyone can tell me please let me know in the comments. I will keep trying to identify it but any help is always welcome.

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