Sunday 2 October 2016

Eagle Island

This is Eagle Island, although that is probably not its official name. The three dead trees just left of centre were the favourite perches for the beautiful eagles that frequent this spot and fish in Marie Louise Lake. The tallest tree just right of centre was also another favourite perch for a juvenile eagle. Sadly there were no birds in residence on this particular evening.

On my last morning camping here my daughter and I paddled out to the island and I got some great shots and we were able to watch one of the eagles fishing for its breakfast, such a remarkable sight. Also my daughter pleaded with me to let her go onto the island, I agreed but only reluctantly as the wind was getting up and it was an effort to get in close and stay steady enough for her to get out of the canoe.

She was gone for a little while but she returned triumphant having reached the tree where the eagle was sat and collected a feather. I was really proud of her for her adventurous spirit and really touched when we returned to camp and she presented me with her trophy which is a lovely souvenir of our fun times on the lake.

This picture was taken in the evening and as you can see the lake is mirror calm providing a perfect reflection of the island and with the sun behind us the detail is spot on.

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