Tuesday 25 October 2016

Fungi Forest

Today after a work visit in Derbyshire I took a brief detour on my way home for a walk in Macclesfield Forest. I was again looking for autumn colours but it is mostly coniferous forest so I focused more on what was below my feet.

As I am colour blind I often have trouble spotting things and will often rely on whoever is with me to point things out and I am always grateful for that but today as I was on my own I had to search for myself. I have no idea how many opportunities I missed but I was quite pleased that I managed to spot a number of varieties of fungi, even really small and well hidden ones which I will share in the coming weeks mixed up with some of the other shots I have yet to post.

I thought the fungus in today's pictures is a variety of xylaria or Candlestick Fungus but doing a little more research I think it is actually a variety of Hymenoscyphus or cup fungus. If you know exactly what it is then feel free to comment. I have seen this variety growing of rotting fence posts and here is is on a mossy log in a very shaded spot.

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