Monday 16 October 2017

Saharan Sandstorm

Today Ireland and the West Coast of the UK have been battered by the tail end of Hurricane Ophelia and sadly three people have died in Ireland as a result of the storm. Driving conditions have been tricky and in places homes are without electricity so it is a dramatic change from the lovely weather we had over the weekend.

Fortunately here in Wirral things haven't been too bad and apart from the strong wind this afternoon has been quite warm and sunny.

The day did start off however with a very unusual phenomenon, a red sky and a very pale sun. By now as it is late in the evening as I post this no doubt there will be lots of pictures of this rare event circulating the web but what kind of photographer would I be if I didn't whip out the Canon and take a few shots and share them with you.

I have used my 150 - 600mm lens, the first image was shot at 600mm f40 at 1/125s ISO 100 and the second was shot at 600mm f40, 1/400s and ISO 400

The red sky is a result of sand from the Sahara whipped up by the storm being lifted into the atmosphere and as a result of the dust absorbing the blue light allowing more red from the spectrum to penetrate... or something, that's all a bit too much science for me.  

Anyway I really love these shots, I love the halo around the sun in the first picture and I love the smoky effect of the clouds in the second. I hope you like them as much as me.

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