Saturday 25 November 2017

An Unexpected Guest

It has been a month since I have been out with my camera, a bout of tennis elbow caused I think by lugging my gear around has meant I needed to take things easy so with a bit of respite I was desperate to get out and snapping again.

So today I headed over to the WWT reserve at Martin Mere, I have always had a great time whenever I have visited in the past and today I was hopeful that in between the rain and snow showers I would be able to get some decent shots.

I was sat in one of my favourite hides where there is a small pond but also lots of bird feeders. In the past I have seen lots of finches and other small birds as well as Sparrowhawks and today I wasn't disappointed as there were lots of finches and tits and a Reed Bunting as well as Magpies, Jackdaws and pigeons in the mix. None of these however compared to the magnificence of a most unexpected visitor the Great Spotted Woodpecker.

I have often heard these marvelous birds and seen them at a distance so to be able to get a few decent images has really made my day. In the last shot you can see him (it is definitely a male) in the sort of setting you would expect to see a woodpecker; up a tree. In the other shots however you may be surprised as I was to see that he was sizing up and eventually helping himself to the sunflower seeds in a bird feeder apparently having learned of the nutritional value of these seeds.

It was a rare privilege to see this bird up close, I was so excited and I wanted to share that excitement and these images with you... Enjoy!

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