Friday 29 December 2017

Cold By The Canal

Today with warnings on the news that weather conditions would be really bad across the country I took a risk and set off for Chirk in North Wales for a walk along the Llangollen Branch of the Shropshire Union Canal and across the famous Pontcysyllte Aqueduct (built by Thomas Telford and completed in 1805, now a World Heritage Site) that spans the River Dee.

When I left home first thing the weather was atrocious with heavy, driving rain and bitter cold, it seems that those conditions continued all day but at Chirk and along the canal things were a good deal calmer.

As you can see from these two images the sky was mostly clear and blue and although there was a cold wind I was wrapped up well and managed to stay warm for the duration of the walk (8 miles in total).

I have walked here before but in the summer or spring and there are usually lots of other walkers but today it was really tranquil and I think these two pictures give a perfect representation of how peaceful it was. I was thrilled to capture the rainbow in the first shot as it arced across the snowy fields.

I like the solitary tree in the second shot too. If I had had my tripod with me I would have tried a longer exposure to smooth out the surface of the canal and enhance the reflection but to be honest I really like the picture as it is, even with the sunspots. There is a warmth to the image and I will add the tree to my collection of nature's hearts. I know, I am such a romantic but I like to photograph hearts that appear in nature and I am sure that when the tree is in full foliage the heart would not be as visible.

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