Sunday 25 February 2018


I had gone to Burton Mere Wetland to do a spot of wildlife photography but I am always on the look out for a great shot and with these images today I think I have captured a couple of great landscape shots.

I knew as I looked up from the path towards the railway embankment that with the sun breaking through the low afternoon clouds the fence and the tree would make a good image and swapping my long lens for a smaller wide angle zoom I got the shot I wanted and the lighting works really well.

I swapped my lens back with the intention of going up to Burton Point where I had heard short eared owls can often be spotted but as I approached the path up the hill I changed back to the wide angle for this super shot with the suns rays stretching out highlighting to copse of trees and the break in the wall. I love this shot and I love the swirl of the clouds. I wasn't lucky enough to see any owls but to be honest I think this shot more than makes up for that. 

It was also nice to see the Iron Age fort where once there was a small family settlement.

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