Thursday 22 February 2018

Everybody's Favourite

It would be hard to argue against the Robin being everybody's favourite bird and these three spotted in Mere Sands Woods help confirm just how beautiful and endearing the Robin is.

Last year I took a photo of a fledgling Robin in the same spot as the first of today's images and given how territorial Robins are I wonder whether this is the same bird, it is nice to think that it is.

The second of today's Robins was a noisy and curious little chap and he looks in fine condition.

As I was stood on the path watching the birds I spoke with a couple of other visitors to the reserve and together we tried to tempt one to feed off our hands. We managed to tempt him to  a small pile of seeds and mealworms on the floor at our feet but he couldn't be persuaded onto a hand.

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