Friday 9 February 2018


You may remember (if you saw it that is) that in a recent post I spoke about how I had watched the film and read the book Kes which inspired my love of birds of prey. On that occasion I shared some pictures of a beautiful female kestrel and so today here are a couple of shots of a young male kestrel.

It is a small yet powerful bird but hunched up on its perch it looks quite timid. Close up though you can see its piercing eyes and vicious looking beak. 

I just love these little birds and I love to see them hovering along the roadside or hedgerows while hunting for their prey.

Visiting a bird of prey centre once I was told that kestrels (and possibly other birds I don't remember) are able to track prey, such as mice, through the grass by being able to detect the trail of urine that mice leave behind. How's that for an interesting fact of the day.

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