Sunday 18 February 2018

Super Songbird

Yesterday I posted a selection of shots of a beautiful male Kestrel at Brockholes, if you missed them take a few minutes to have a look because I am really pleased with them and think you will be too. I have lots more so at some point I will most likely post a few more of my favourites.

For today I have selected a couple of shots of a wonderful Song Thrush, and in the first image he is in full song. He was quite a way off but his song was so clear and loud it was impossible to ignore him. Sadly we don't see as many of these lovely birds as we once did so it was a nice treat to be able to stand for a while listening as he filled the air with his beautiful song (click the link to listen)

These were shot at 600 mm  and with the low light and the crop factor these pictures are a little grainy but nevertheless they are really nice. The third shot is of a different bird and he was a little closer but in his search for food he was still keeping a safe distance from me.

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