Saturday 29 September 2018

Across The Bay

So I haven't been posting quite as regularly over the past two weeks and that is because I have been out in Ontario along the north shore of Lake Superior. The purpose of the trip was to spend time with old friends in Thunder Bay but of course I never leave my camera behind and so I have captured loads of varied images. There is a real mix of wild Landscapes and Industrial Landscapes, a few random street photos and then an abundance of Wildlife and Nature pictures. With our trip leading into the start of autumn I got lots of shots of the autumn woodlands with the wonderful colours of the changing leaves up high and the myriad of different fungi on the forest floor. I have so much that I want to share.

I know now that my favourite pictures from the trip are of a beautiful red fox and I know that when I get round to sharing them you will be blown away by them just as I was with the experience. Then there are the beavers that were another unforgettable highlight of the trip but you will have to wait for those too, be sure to look out for them in the days ahead.

For today however I wanted to start off with some of the first photographs I took on the first full day of the trip. I went down to the water front in Thunder Bay. I have a number of good shots from my last visit but although the landscape is still the same the changing light and the different moods of the lake means that every day gives opportunities for new images of the same scenes.

I really like this wooden lighthouse at the end of the break water which protects Thunder Bay's marina. When the light catches it right in the early morning or in the evening it glows.
In these shots the small yacht is using the lighthouse as a marker to ensure it stays safe within the breakwater. 

I like the sky in both images, in the first it reminds me a little of the swirl patterns that can be achieved by dropping coloured inks or dyes onto water and using a stick or other implement to create abstract patterns, but I think the sky in the second image is even better with the lines of cloud leading the eye towards the horizon. The waves of cloud in some way mirroring the surface of the lake.

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