Saturday 8 September 2018

Fire In The Sky

I was just looking out of my window at the miserable grey sky. It has been like that all day, overcast and dull and at time with lashings of rain.

I cast my mind back to an evening in June when I witnessed a most wonderful sunset when the whole sky was a glorious golden yellow. Perhaps the location helped to make it one of the best sunsets I have seen.

As you can see from these shots the sky over Florence against the misty backdrop of the Chianti mountains was so rich and warm. It was definitely worth the effort of the walk up to the Piazzale Michelangelo which overlooks the city and is the perfect vantage point to see the sights. It is always bustling with people soaking up the atmosphere and taking selfies. I personally don't go in for the endless selfie taking especially when there are views such as this to observe and capture. 

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