Saturday 1 September 2018

There once was an ugly duckling...

... but it turns out it wasn't a duck at all; it was a swan, a beautiful swan!

Earlier this year I paid a visit to Dunham Massey and I photographed a pair of swans on a clutch of eggs (click here) so today when I went back to visit the park although my main aim was to photograph the deer I wanted to check on the swan family.

To my delight the adults were still there and they have successfully raised three handsome cygnets. I had hoped to get a family portrait as they were all sat together on the nest but as I was preparing the shot another visitor to the park arrived and started hurling lumps of bread into the water disturbing the piece and ruining the opportunity.  

Although they didn't return to the nest as a family group I waited patiently and managed to get a few nice shots.

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