Friday 19 March 2021

Lighthouse Exposed


I have had a much needed and even if I say it myself, a well earned day off work and I decided to get out for a couple of hours with my camera. I stayed fairly local just driving the few miles to New Brighton and even that seemed like quite an adventure in these peculiar times. The last time I actually left the house with my camera (in daylight at least) was 3rd January which was before the current lockdown restrictions were put in place and I have not been able to justify taking photographs as "essential" so my gear has been left idle for too long.

I actually wondered why I had bothered restricting myself because today there were a few other photographers out as well as a large number of people fishing from the shore and a model boat club having some kind of mini regatta. I guess if those activities can pass as essential or come under the umbrella of "exercise" then I felt pretty safe in my decision to go out today. 

Anyway I got a mixture of shots including landscape, seascape and wildlife and today I am sharing a few images of the lighthouse at Perch Rock.

Although it was dry and mild there was very little colour in the sky and so I decided to shoot mostly in black and white because I felt this would create more dramatic images, I have included one colour image for some balance.

I used a variable ND filter to use long exposures and flatten out the sea somewhat as the tide was coming in. I have used exposures of 2.5 seconds up to 6 seconds which as well as smoothing out the water has also added a little movement to the clouds. 

I am going to say that the first image and the third image are my favourites. I hope you like them too.

I will be sharing some more pictures over the next few days and now that I have been out once I am sure I will head out more often in the coming weeks and hopefully start to get some more nice images.

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