Saturday 10 April 2021

A Rarity


I spent a couple of hours at Burton Mere RSPB reserve today and I was thrilled to get my first ever sighting of an incredibly rare bird. In 1997 there were just 11 male birds in the UK and the species was on the verge of extinction but due to significant conservation efforts they are back from the brink; last year 198 male birds were recorded across 89 sites in the UK. Despite the growing numbers they are still very rare and understandably news of its sighting at Burton Mere had drawn something of a crowd. 

I really struggled to see it and needed a fellow photographer to point me in the right direction. Looking at the top image can you see what it is? Can you even see it?

To make things easier I have cropped the image, so take a closer look below...

Even cropped it is hard to spot the beautifully camouflaged Bittern. I know its not the best shot but it really was a long way off and it it is so well hidden it was the best I could do and I have to say I was totally chuffed to see such a rare bird, for the very first time.

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